There is even a great difference in price between authentic Cuban cigars. However, not all cigars are created equally and fake cigars with no duty paid will be confiscated at customs.īe wary of buying them on the street as the sealed box may contain banana leaves.įor the authentic cigars, buy from plantations or shops. One of the most popular souvenirs to take home Cuba has to be cigars. I rarely say that tourists need to buy travel guides but Cuba is definitely a country you would benefit from having one.
» You make also like | First timer’s guide to Cuba travel Cuba Travel Safety: Avoid These Scams in Cuba We’re happy to talk and here to learn, please leave us a comment below. Note: All of these scams happened to us or tourists we met during our vacation. Let’s find out about the popular scams in Cuba so you can be cautious of them during your trip. While you may experience some of the following Cuba scams, they will be delivered with charm and while it can get annoying, just remember your position of privilege which allows you to visit Cuba. However, years of financial oppression has resulted in the creation of crafty ways of making money, some aimed at tourists. Is Cuba safe to travel? Yes, it is actually one of the safest countries in the world when measuring crime figures. This article has links to products and services we love, which we may make commission from.